Photo Book "Dialoghi Italiani" / Alessia Rollo
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Photo Book "Dialoghi Italiani" by Alessia Rollo
Printed in 2018
Softcover 62 pages
縦28.4cm x 横20.2cm
Limited Edition of 50 copies (6/50, 7/50)
アレシア・ロッロは、イタリアのコミュニケーション・サイエンスを卒業したコンセプチュアル・フォトグラファーです。イタリア、スペイン、ブラジルにて個展・グループ展を開催し、2011年には国際アーティストの居住地のデフォルトとして選ばれました。先日、LensCulture Awards2018のファイナリストにも選出されています。現在、南イタリアのサレントに在住し、制作活動を続けています。
イタリアだけでなく国際的にも最も興味深い写真家の一人である彼女が、初めて出版した写真集「Dialoghi Italiani (イタリアの対話)」は、50冊限定で制作されており大変貴重な1冊となっております。日本ではこちらでのみご購入可能です。写真好きな方、写真集のコレクターの方にぜひお薦めです!
ご希望の方は、CONTACT画面より どうぞお気軽にお問い合わせくださいませ。
-写真集「Dialoghi Italiani (イタリアの対話)」は、道に放置されていた家族写真アルバムを偶然発見したことから始まりました。
Italian conceptual photographer, Alessia Rollo graduated in Communication Sciences in Italy and in 2009 she received a Master in "Creative Photography" at the EFTI school in Madrid. She has participated in solo and group exhibitions in Italy, Spain and Brazil: she was selected in 2011 for the international artist residency Default. Recently she was chosen among the finalists of the LensCulture Awards 2018. She lives and works in Salento, south Italy.
This book is her first photo book printed only 50 copies. Please don't miss the rare opportunity to get this valuable book of Alessia Rollo. They're only available here. Highly recommend for photography lovers or photo book collectors!!
Below is the extract from the book:
-Italian dialogue started from the fortuitous discovery of some abandoned family photo albums on the street.
Most of the photos had been damaged by rain and humidity while others had almost completely decomposed into color pigments. However, some images retained the portraits of family members in daily moments, during domestic and social rituals intact.
The images of the album have been re-photographed and decomposed into something even more partial. Captured fragments of bodies, places and gestures has created new memories of this family. Another series of shots achieved through a macroscopic lens emphasizes the material and the abstract value of photography.