Gili Benita #1 Print フレーム付き
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Gili Benita #1 Print
イスラエル出身の写真家ギリ・ベニータ(1997-)は、エルサレムで生まれ育ち、現在ニューヨークで活動している。2015年にイスラエル空軍の撮影監督として兵役に就く。2016年に兵役を終えた後、イスラエルとタンザニアで人道主義団体「Save a Child's Heart」と共に初の長編ドキュメンタリープロジェクトを開始。
2018年にはテルアビブで開催された「Local Testimony」展の「Photographed Story」部門で1位を獲得。同年、「孤独」をテーマにしたプロジェクトのために来日し、同プロジェクトの作品はiGNANT、The Independent Photographer、Aint Bad、Tokyo Foto Awards等に掲載された。2020年、ICPのドキュメンタリー実践プログラムを卒業し、リゼット・モデル・スカラシップとディレクターズ・フェローシップを受賞。
今後、アーティストとしてまた広告写真家としても、更なる世界的活躍を期待される彼の作品を、いち早くGallery Photographs Edition Printでご紹介致します。
Gili Benita, born and raised in Jerusalem, is an Israeli photographer based in New York City.
In 2015, he started his military service as a cinematographer in the Israeli Air Force. After his release from the military in 2016, he began his first long-term documentary project, working with 'Save a Child's Heart' in Israel and Tanzania.
In 2018, this won the first prize in the Photographed Story category in the "Local Testimony" exhibition in Tel Aviv. That same year he traveled to Japan for a project on the culture of Japanese loneliness: 'Kodoku,' which published in iGNANT, The Independent Photographer, Aint Bad, and Tokyo Foto Awards. In 2020, he graduated from the ICP's Documentary Practice Program, where he awarded the Lisette Model Scholarship and the Director's Fellowship.
Here we are offering works of Gili Benita who is expected to be more active working worldwide, as Gallery Photographs Edition Prints.
Gallery Photographs Edition
PRINT : Glossy Paper
FRAME : Wooden Frame 53.0㎝ × 41.4㎝
ご希望の方は、CONTACT画面より どうぞお気軽にお問い合わせくださいませ。
※ Gallery Photographs Editionとは・・
※ Gallery Photographs Edition is a “Take-over Print” of the original work of the artist. We pay close attention not to damage the taste of the original works and recreate them with high quality prints. We offer the prints in reasonable price compared with original works and support creative activities of artists by returning 50% of selling price to them.
Any inquiry from overseas, please contact us here : for purchase by PayPal)